About our Shirts



We know shirt sizes and specs vary from store to store, country to country, and closet to closet. This is because the garment industry does not have set standards due to the different styles of shirts and because the industry is dumb. To help you choose which size is right for you, we have laid out what types of shirts we use for varying sizes and styles and also a size chart for each style.

Mens Sizes for S-4XL                                     Size Chart for Mens S-4XL

Ladies Sizes for S-2XL                                   Size Chart for Ladies S-2XL

Ladies Sizes for 3XL & 4XL                          Size Chart for Ladies 3XL & 4XL

Size Chart for Ladies V-necks (colors: Heather Grey, Black, Charcoal, Cardinal Red, Royal Blue, Light Blue, Sapphire Blue, and Navy Blue)

Size Chart for Ladies V-necks (colors: Light Pink, Purple, Dark Heather Grey)